Members News

Items for the Members News section

Latest Rally News Restored

Please note that the Latest Rally News section has now been restored for 2024 rallies.

All the amendments and additional notes have been copied in from the news section of the ‘Temporary Rally Book 2024’ and other recent items from marshals added.

The ‘Temporary Rally Book 2024’ will remain for a while but no new rally news items will be added to it,


Rally No 41:  Kings Lynn, Thursford Spectacular & Sandringham 11th – 18th Nov

As part of the above Rally we have again joined the queue and been lucky to reserve tickets and pay deposits for the Thursford Christmas Spectacular for Saturday 16th November at 2.00 p.m. The Party Rate cost is £52 per ticket, which is payable as a deposit of £10.00 per ticket now and the balance of £42.00 on or before 15th August. If you wish to reserve tickets please can you send an e-mail to us as soon as possible, confirming how many tickets you would like and as usual either pay your deposit by cheque or make an on line payment, in both cases payable to Mrs. J. Essam, Sort Code 20-19-95 – Account No 70383287 as soon as convenient. Rally Booking Slips listing your Voucher Number or details of other means of payment to SOC can also be sent on line to us when convenient if you prefer.

Thank you.

Jenne and Keith Essam, Marshals

Rally No 3:  Warm Your Bones at Barnstones, Gt Bourton, Banbury, 1st-5th Feb

The Marshals are now able to confirm that the Electric hook-ups are 10amp and are included in the £20 per night site fee.

However, an option of an non-electric pitch is available for the rally at £13.00 per night, and to make sure you have enough gas,the site is also offering a reduced price bottled gas (Calor) for ralliers.

All site amenities are open for the rally, and we do still have space on the Rally and would love to welcome you there.

Please note that the email address shown in the Rally Book is incorrect. The correct address is

Ron, Maureen Ward and Val Rowe, Marshals

IMPORTANT – Members’ Area Login Details

Some Members are still logging in to the Members’ Area using the Username SOC23 which was extended due to the unforeseen delays with the 2024 Rally Venues Book. As most renewed members should now have received their Rally Venues Book, the SOC23 Username will be disabled tomorrow evening (Friday).

If you have renewed your membership and have received your Rally Venues Book with Membership Card sticker, please use the SOC24 Username and Password immediately. If you have renewed but have not yet received your Rally Venues Book with Membership Card sticker, please contact the Membership Officer ( or your ACM for the 2024 login details to restore your access to the Members’ Area of the website.

We don’t like to lose members so, if you have not renewed but would like to, please see the Public Area home page where there is a section for late renewals.


Eric Sylvester

I recently received the sad news that former member Eric Sylvester passed away on Sunday 7th January. His wife Sadie wanted members to know as many long-standing members will remember him well.

Eric who was 86 years old had been ill for a while and was admitted to hospital where he sadly died.

Our thoughts are with Sadie and their family at this very sad and difficult time.

I don’t have any funeral details are available at the current time.

John Brailsford, President


PLEASE DO NOT SEND BOOKINGS TO Bob & Anne McMullan who sadly are unable to marshal.

This is now a 7-night rally.

The marshals’ details are as follows for ALL bookings and enquires:
John & Rose Arthur
9 Coleshill Close, Hunt End, Redditch, Worcestershire B97 5UN
Email Booking with booking form & RBV to
Landline: 01527 758441 Mobile: 0774 8820952

Social: Use of warm room for the Thursday, Monday & Wednesday nights during the rally plus Saturday night for an evening meal and Sunday morning for breakfast baps.

** all other information remains the same **.

Rally No 4 “LOVE IN THE FOREST”, Wareham 2024

Due to the delayed Rally Book we are extending the cut-off date for this early rally in February to the 19th January from the 5th, although we do have bookings there is some space at the moment.
Bernard Wells, Marshal


The 2024 Rally Book will shortly be arriving with members – keep a look out for it!

Currently access to the SOC Website is available to all members using their 2023 log in details, please be aware that once the 2024 Rally Books have been distributed to renewed members, the online access using the 2023 log in details will cease with immediate effect.

If you try to log in using your 2023 log in details and find you cannot and have not received a 2024 Rally Book in due course, please check that you have renewed your membership. You can check by contacting Val the Membership Officer by email or ‘phone leaving a message if no answer.

Elaine Baker, Hon Secretary.

Happy New Year

As we are about to start another New Year, I send my very best wishes to all members for a very Happy and Healthy New Year ahead.

If you have not yet ventured out on a rally since you joined us, I strongly recommend that you do try it to get the most enjoyment from your membership in the coming year.

I look forward to meeting up with friends old and new on the rally field in 2024.

Best Wishes, John Brailsford, President

Temporary 2024 Rally Venues Book Now Online

I hope you have received the email and attachment sent this week by the Area Committee Members to all members in their area. In case you didn’t receive it for some reason, it was an update on the unfortunate situation we found ourselves in regarding the 2024 Rally Venues Book which will now not be printed until early 2024.

To allow renewed members to book 2024 rallies, a Temporary 2024 Rally Venues Book has been produced and published on the website Members’ Area ‘General Info’ page where the current year’s book normally goes.

The temporary book contains a copy of the email mentioned above, which gives details of a temporary booking procedure, and is followed by further pages giving full details of all 2024 rallies up to and including the Easter Rally and Latest Rally News items for 2024 rallies.

If you have any queries, please contact the Rally Marshals directly.

Kind regards
Sarah LawsonHon Rally Secretary – sent on behalf of the Executive Committee
Swift Owners Club
Mob: 07801 059003