A new version of the Rally Accounts spreadsheet is now available in the ‘Information for Rally Marshals’ section of the ‘General Info’ webpage.
It has been updated with the new bank account number and a couple of other small amendments.
Items for the Members News section
A new version of the Rally Accounts spreadsheet is now available in the ‘Information for Rally Marshals’ section of the ‘General Info’ webpage.
It has been updated with the new bank account number and a couple of other small amendments.
The Spring 2024 edition of our magazine Going Places is now online to view or download. Access is by clicking on the magazine image on the General Info page.
This French holiday rally is full. A waiting list has been started.
Please contact us using the information in the 2024 rally book or see the Overseas Rally information page if you require more information about the rally or would like your names added to the waiting list.
Colin & Elaine Baker, Marshals
The 2024 Rally Venues Book is now online in the usual place on the General Info page. It replaces the January – Easter Temporary Rally Book 2024.
The webpage section also includes a link to the Amendments Flyer which was included with the Spring Edition of Going Places. The Flyer is a PDF document which can be viewed and/or downloaded to mobile devices.
Please note that the Amendments Flyer is not a replacement for the Latest Rally News. Some of the information may be duplicated there, but the Latest Rally News may also contain additional information relating to a rally. As a quick check – there is a link in the Latest Rally News section of the Members’ Home Page to see a list of rally numbers with at least 1 news item in the Latest Rally News.
I was very sad to hear that Honorary Life Member Mike Plant passed away yesterday (18th February) after a long illness.
Mike and his wife Chris from Rugeley joined the Club back in 1978 and were well known regular ralliers.
Mike and Chris, along with daughters Kerry and Michelle, rallied regularly for many years until they recently had to retire from caravanning due to Mike’s health and became Honorary Life Members.
Having been a member for over 45 years, Mike will be greatly missed by the many SOC friends he and Chris will have made during that time. Like many members Val and I have fond memories of many happy and fun times in their company.
Our thoughts are with Chris and their family at this sad and difficult time.
I will publish funeral details here in the Members’ News in due course.
John Brailsford, President
We still have 3 fully serviced hard standing pitches available.
If you have not viewed Latest Rally News then you may think you are past the final booking date. The date in the rally book should have read 19th February. However I can extend that date a little before the site needs to allocate the pitches to others.
Also stated in LRN was my email address error. If you have sent me a booking and not received a response from me then I haven’t received it.
Many ralliers are staying extra nights to move on to the Easter Rally afterwards.
Val Brailsford (Marshal)
Please note the changes to the costs on the booking form in the Rally book, page 97.
Friday & Saturday 2 nights £53.60
Friday and Saturday with electric 2 nights 67.60
3 nights Friday and Saturday with
Either Thursday or Sunday 3 nights 67.60
3 nights with electric 3 nights 88.60
4 nights Thursday to Sunday 4 nights 81.60
4 nights with electric 4 nights 109.60
Additional adults add £6 or for single occupancy deduct £6 from above.
The online booking system contains the correct prices and can be completed for all forms of payments.
Booking forms on paper can be emailed or posted to us
Any questions or queries to ronward3@outlook.com
Ron & Maureen Ward, Marshals
The online booking facility for the AGM Rally is now available. See the section on this page which contains a link to the online booking form.
I look forward to meeting you there.
Please note the final booking date for this rally is incorrect in the Rally Book. The date should read 19th February.
Additional nights are available for £28 p.n. and can be booked via the marshals.
Val & John Brailsford, Marshals