If you are intending to visit the Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show at the NEC (22nd-27th February), please note that tickets seem to be selling fast and Saturday 26th is now SOLD OUT.
You can still obtain online tickets for the other days at the moment via https://caravancampingshow.seetickets.com/tour/the-caravan-camping-and-motorhome-show
I assumed it was pre-booking only as a way of limiting numbers but that’s not been well publicised. After much searching I eventually found a statement near to the link to buy tickets on the ccmshow.co.uk website:
Please note: Tickets will NOT be available to buy in person on the ‘gate’ – online sales only (subject to availability)
I thought this was worth mentioning to members, but I’m not sure now whether the sell-out for the Saturday is just a glitch in the booking system as there’s lots of conflicting information on the associated websites. I found statements that tickets purchased for a particular day can be used on any day that week and that you can pay at the door!
If you don’t already have tickets you need to do more research. I don’t recommend buying tickets for one of the available days and then turning up on Saturday or just arriving with cash.