Members News

Items for the Members News section

AGM Day Visitors

Will you be “JUST” attending the AGM meeting and not the rally?

If so then can you please email me your Name(s) and Membership Number as this significantly speeds up registration on the door and avoids you queuing unnecessarily.

Please don’t forget to bring your membership card with you.

Honorary Life Members are very welcome to attend the meeting but do not have any voting rights.

Thank you for your assistance.

Val Brailsford

AGM Documentation

The documentation for the 2022 AGM is now online along with the 2021 AGM Minutes and associated documents.

If you are planning to attend the meeting and wish to have hard copies with you, please download and print them yourself if possible. If you are unable to do so, you may request hard copies from the Secretary and collect them at the meeting. Webmaster

Can you help collect a raffle prize for the AGM?

WANTED.  A member who is going to the AGM to collect a raffle prize, to take with them to the AGM, from Forest of Dean Caravans, Parkend, Lydney, Glos. GL15 4JN.  If not going to AGM, we might be able to organise a handover.  If you are able to help, please contact the Marketing Officer for further details.

Alan Druce, Marketing Officer (

Message from the Secretary

The Secretary wishes to inform you that now the cut-off date for nominations and propositions for the AGM has passed, the AGM documentation will be posted here on the website as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, due to her only recently testing positive for Covid, the documentation will be delayed until she feels well enough to deal with it.


AGM 2022 Rally Updates

A new section ‘AGM 2022 Rally Information’ has been added to this home page to link you to regular updates on the forthcoming AGM and the postponed Club’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations. This new section also shows the date of the latest update so you can see at a glance if there are any recent ones that you may not have seen.

New updates will be added regularly to keep you up to date with any important information and what’s planned for our special AGM Rally. Details of the planned entertainment and more will follow soon.

If you haven’t booked already, please see the following section. It’s quick and easy to book online and the organisers appreciate early bookings.

See you there, Webmaster

Loire Rally 2023 Date Correction.

Please be aware that the dates shown for the 2023 Loire Rally in the Rally Book are incorrect, it should be 3rd to 17th September 2023, as shown in the latest edition of Going Places.  We are still awaiting the updated prices which will be published with a booking form as soon as they become available.

Alan & Carol Druce, Marshals