Sadly we received a phone call yesterday from Don saying that they were reluctantly leaving the club.
On behalf of the membership I would like to express my gratitude for what they have done for the club over the years. Not only have they run many rallies both, at home and abroad, but over the years Don has served as our Chairman and as an ACM; Jean also served as an ACM and between them they have covered the roles of Minutes Secretary and Publicity Officer. They have also introduced family to the club and one son is still a current member.
Hopefully we may occasionally see them visiting their many friends and their family on future rallies.
I wish them many more happy years of touring.
John Brailsford, President
After 35 years membership, Jean and I are leaving the S.O.C.
Not because of any dissatisfaction – on the contrary – we have many, many happy memories of rallies at home and abroad and we have made many friends!
Personal circumstances have forced us to move to “the dark side” in order to enable us to continue touring and as we have been unable to find a ‘Swift’ product that meets our requirements, we have now bought an Autotrail!
Hopefully we may still catch up with our numerous S.O.C. friends and acquaintances on a neutral field, somewhere, sometime!
We wish the Club every success in the future!
Don & Jean Munro