Members News

Items for the Members News section

Malcolm Darlow

Wendy Darlow has confirmed to me that Malcolm passed away in March after a long illness.   They both got such pleasure in attending SOC Rallies when able and Wendy is trying to build a memories book of photos.  If anyone happens to have a photo of them on a Rally she would really appreciate a copy.  We have found a couple so far and have her e-mail address if anyone else can help. I do know quite a few photos were taken on our Austrian Rally for instance.

Thank you.

Jenne Essam, Area 6 ACM

Jenny Neal Smith

I am sure many of you will be sad to hear I have learnt from Jenny Neal Smith’s daughter that Jenny passed away in February and would wish to join me in sending love and kind thoughts to Rob, Erica and all the  family at this sad time.

Jenne Essam, Area 6 ACM

AGM 2024 – Apologies List

If you know you will not attending the AGM meeting taking place this year on Saturday May 18th and you would like your name added to the apologies list, please contact me via: where your name will be duly noted and presented to the meeting.
Thank you.
Elaine Baker
Hon Secretary.

Don’t miss a great Rally Weekend – 16th to 20th May 24

Don’t forget to come along to Yew Tree Farm Caravan Park, Far Forest, Nr Bewdley, Worcs for a great weekend. Yew Tree Farm Caravan Park is a family-owned caravan park, beautifully situated in the heart of the country, with rolling open countryside on the edge of the Wyre Forest, offering a perfect base to explore or just sit back and admire the view.

The site has excellent rally fields, with electric hookups, together with fishing pools, woodland walks and magnificent views. See

Attractions in close proximity to the site include: West Midlands Safari Park, Severn Valley Railway, Hartlebury Castle, Wyre Forest and many more…

This rally is a perfect time to meet up with friends old and new, enjoy fabulous professional entertainment Saturday evening in a nice hall and support your club by having your say at the Open Forum. For further information see pages 16 – 18 of the current issue of Going Places.

The latest booking date is officially 22nd April. You may book in after that date but be aware that a rally plaque may not be available.

To book the rally online see the ‘AGM Rally 2024 – Online Booking’ section on this webpage. There you can complete an online online form and choose your method of payment from: Debit Card, Credit Card, PayPal, Direct Bank Transfer, or Cheque. Alternatively you can complete the booking form on page on page 74 of the current issue of Going Places and follow the posting and payment instructions.

News Flash *   If you enjoy Fishing there is Free fishing with your own Rod licence at two beautiful lakes for the duration of the Rally.

A Thank You From Alan Druce’s Family

Today I received a lovely hand-made card to all members from Alan Druce’s family. Please click on the title to see the card.

John Brailsford, President

2025 Provisional Rally Programme Now Online

The Rally Secretary has just published the initial version of the 2025 Provisional Rally Programme. You can access this via the RALLY INO menu at the top of any Members’ Area webpage.

You will see that currently there are many gaps to fill and I’m sure Sarah would welcome input from marshals or potential marshals as soon as possible. If you are thinking of running a rally or know of any possible rally sites that could be used, please speak to your Area Committee Member (ACM). Up to date details of all Committee Members and Officers can be found in the ‘Who’s Who Index’ on the General Information webpage.

New rally marshals are always welcome and your ACM can advise and support you. Why not give it a try?


Rally No.11 Spring in Shropshire re-scheduled

By mutual agreement with the Cricket Club it was agreed not to hold the Rally because of possible damage to the outfield prior to the start of the season.

The Rally has been re-scheduled for 9th to 13th October 2024.

All details are on page 38 of the Rally Book.

Mike Pitchford, Marshal

Any further notices will be posted in the Latest Rally News using the same rally number (11).


Rally No 12: Pull Up the Reins 2, 11th – 16th April, Salisbury, Wilts

I have just been advised by the marshal that unfortunately, due to ground conditions on the Caravan Park, this rally has been postponed until September.

The rally will now take place from Thursday 26th September 2024 to Tuesday 1st October 2024, 5 nights. The rally fees will remain as in the rally book page 36.

Any further notices will be posted using the same rally number (12).


AGM Nomination Date Reminder

The nomination closing date for Executive and ACM committee nominations and forms to be received by the club secretary is SATURDAY  6TH APRIL 2024. Likewise, this is also the closing date for any propositions being put forward to the AGM meeting.

Please note: It is my intension to step down from the post of Club Secretary at the forthcoming AGM and as of yet a candidate has not come forward. Would you consider taking up the position? The club does need a Secretary to sit on the Executive and take care of the day-to-day admin of the club. A job description is available, and I am happy to answer any questions regarding the post, so if you are interested, please do get in touch.

Elaine Baker – Hon Secretary

Tel: 07870 779878

Alan Druce

We have received the sad news that Honorary Life Member Alan Druce passed away after a long illness at home last night 30th March with his family at his bedside.

Alan was a loyal member of the Club, giving his time and expertise generously  for the benefit of the members.

He  has been an officer for some twenty or more years and latterly showed his determination to complete the current 2024 Rally Venues Book throughout the latter stages of his illness.

He will be sadly missed and our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.

Ron Ward, Chairman