Members News

Items for the Members News section

Extra Rally Added in November

Extra Rally at Fowlmere Village Hall and Recreation Ground to coincide with Remembrance  Weekend. Close to IWM Duxford and Cambridge. Extra Members including new members welcome to join us for however many days they wish. Please use contact details as shown for Rally 40 in Rally Book

Jenne and Keith Essam

Message from our Marketing Officer

Very many thanks to the members who supported the Club by manning the Club stand at the NEC show.  Through your efforts 32 new members joined, with the possibility that more will join on-line in the near future. (13 have done so far, Webmaster)

Alan Druce, Marketing Officer

Rally 43: Christmas Shopping, York 7th – 10th December

The site owner has now confirmed that the nightly fee will be £25. This includes the hookup cost. The site facilities will be open for our use. The rally is nearly full, but a few pitches are still available.

Clive & Gill Bevan,

Are You Thinking of a Winter Break?

If so, why not join us at Diamond Park, Bletchingdon Near Oxford.

If you are interested, please contact us as soon as possible as we do have spaces available on the Rally, but it is limited.

Starting Wednesday 29th November to Sunday 3rd December 23 (4 nights).

However, you are most welcome, whether you wish to stay 4 nights or less. Or if you would like to extend your stay the Site have agreed pitches will be at our Rally rates.

The Site offers hard standing level pitches. The shower and toilet facilities are good and heated at no extra charge. The best news is that the Site have kept the pitch fee as last year £20 per night including electric hook-ups.

We have a warm modern Hall in the village for the Saturday evening social with a Christmas themed 3 course meal. We hope you can join us for a great weekend.

Rally details are on Page 70 rally No 42 in the current Rally Book.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Ron and Maureen – Val and Phil

AGM Treasurer’s Report

The AGM Treasurer’s Report, with the accounts for the year to 31.12.2022 and an Independent Accountant’s Report, have been added to the website ‘AGM Documentation’ section on the ‘General Info’ page.



Could you please let me know if you will be attending the AGM Meeting ONLY but NOT attending the rally.

This will be very helpful to speed up registration on the door. Please have your membership “card” with you to gain entry.

Please email your names to or text 07711 263295 Thanks for your help.

Val Brailsford

2024 Membership Renewals

Unless you already have a Direct Debit mandate set up to cover membership renewal, or joined the SOC since 1st September, it’s time to think about renewing your membership for next year. Early renewals are appreciated and you will receive your 2024 Rally Book as soon as it’s available rather than it be delayed in the Christmas post.

CLICK HERE for details of how renew and the various payment methods available. There is also a link in the 2024 Membership Renewals section elsewhere on this webpage.


Amended Rally Booking Form

The Rally Booking Form has been amended to clarify the information about Adult Guests attending rallies. You can download the form from the Miscellaneous Information & Forms section on the General Information webpage.

This new form will also be included in Going Places and the 2024 Rally Venues Book. Please only use this up to date form for all your future rally bookings.

Frank Rostron, Rally Secretary

AGM 2023 Documentation

A file is now available for members to download and print if required. The file contains the Agenda and appendices covering the Propositions and Nominations for Committee and Executive positions. See the ‘AGM Documentation’ section on the ‘General Information page.

The Executive reports and Accounts will be published in the same section as soon as they are available.
