Members News

Items for the Members News section

2024 Membership Renewals

Unless you already have a Direct Debit mandate set up to cover membership renewal, or joined the SOC since 1st September, it’s time to think about renewing your membership for next year. Early renewals are appreciated and you will receive your 2024 Rally Book as soon as it’s available rather than it be delayed in the Christmas post.

CLICK HERE for details of how renew and the various payment methods available. There is also a link in the 2024 Membership Renewals section elsewhere on this webpage.


Amended Rally Booking Form

The Rally Booking Form has been amended to clarify the information about Adult Guests attending rallies. You can download the form from the Miscellaneous Information & Forms section on the General Information webpage.

This new form will also be included in Going Places and the 2024 Rally Venues Book. Please only use this up to date form for all your future rally bookings.

Frank Rostron, Rally Secretary

AGM 2023 Documentation

A file is now available for members to download and print if required. The file contains the Agenda and appendices covering the Propositions and Nominations for Committee and Executive positions. See the ‘AGM Documentation’ section on the ‘General Information page.

The Executive reports and Accounts will be published in the same section as soon as they are available.


AGM Rally Late Booking Option

It is now passed the published final booking date for this rally. However, late bookings can be accepted but you may not receive a rally plaque. See the ‘AGM Rally 2023 – Online Booking’ section on this webpage for details.

Call for AGM Bookings

There are only 3 weeks to go to this year’s AGM in October

Now the majority of you are back from your Summer Holidays if you haven’t done so already, it’s time to book onto this year’s AGM and rally in the Derbyshire Countryside. It would help the Marshals if you could book on sooner rather than later so please don’t delay and book on today.

Check out how to do this on page 21 of your Summer 2023 Going Places or alternatively on the Members’ Area of the Club’s Website. It couldn’t be easier and you will enjoy a weekend of meeting up with friends from near and far, entertainment and of course having a say in how your club is run.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Billy and Val Rowett AGM Marshals

Reinstated Fowlmere (Duxford) Rally 10th-13th November

This is an urgent message for those members who have advised they wish to go on that Rally but who have not sent in a booking slip plus anyone else who would like to go.   Unless the promised Rally Slips arrive to confirm we have sufficient numbers the Rally cannot go ahead.

Many thanks Jenne Essam.

Rally No  40. Sandringham Craft Fair and Thursford Christmas Spectacular

A reminder that payment of £43.50 per ticket is now urgently required if you have paid the £5.00 per head deposit and full payment of £48.50 per person where deposits have not been paid as I have to pay the balance due for the tickets on 16th September.  Payment should be made to Mrs J Essam either by Cheque or contact me if you need my on line payment details.

Many thanks Jenne Essam.

NEC Show Support, Request for Volunteers

We need your support to man the Owners’ Club stand at the NEC Show 2023 17th – 22ndOctober

Volunteers are required to represent the Club on the SOC stand at the NEC show in October 2023 each day, Tuesday to Sunday.   We are looking to have 4 people each day, with at least 2 people on the stand at any one time, which will give you some free time to look around the show.  The show opening times are from 10am to 6pm each day.  Free adult show passes will hopefully be provided.  Contact me, preferably by email at: or by telephone on 01283 341667, giving your available dates please.

Thanking you in anticipation.  Alan Druce, Marketing Officer

Bill Moxon Funeral Details

The funeral for Bill Moxon will take place on Monday 18th September at St Denys Church, Kirkby la Thorpe, nr Sleaford at 11:am . Anyone wishing to attend please contact David Hill on 07866 892609.
