Please note that this rally is now full and no new bookings can be taken.
Val Rowe, SOC Marshal
Items for the Members News section
Please note that this rally is now full and no new bookings can be taken.
Val Rowe, SOC Marshal
Sadly I have just heard that retired member Bill Moxon passed away on Monday 28th August. I’m sure many of our long-standing members will remember him as he was well known and rallied regularly with his wife Angie and daughter Becky. Our thoughts are with his family at this very difficult time.
I don’t have any further information at present.
John Brailsford, President
We received an email from Ian Woodward with the sad news that his wife Sarah had passed away on Wednesday 23rd August. Sarah and Ian, from Chesterfield, have been members for 8 years and were always fun to chat to on rallies.
Sarah was only diagnosed one month ago with a terminal cancer and at only 55 years old her life was taken far too soon. Sarah will be sadly missed by all who knew her.
Our thoughts are with Ian, their family and friends at this very difficult time.
RIP Sarah.
John Brailsford, President
Reminder – Completed Nomination Forms for Area ACM’s and Executive positions should be with the Secretary by Saturday 2nd September 2023.
Executive Positions becoming available at the AGM: Hon Rally Secretary and Hon Treasurer.
An Officer position is also becoming available at the AGM – Membership Officer.
If you are interested in becoming either an ACM, an Exec or the Membership Officer for the club, please contact the Secretary for more information. Officer positions are confirmed at the meeting after the AGM and no nomination form is required.
Elaine Baker. Hon Secretary
The club’s current Treasurer Paul Hardy, confirmed today to the Executive that he intends to step down from the position of Hon Treasurer to the club at the October 2023 AGM.
This leaves the club with two vacancies to fill at the AGM to ensure the club continues to run under its constitution, the Hon Treasurer position, and the Hon Rally Secretary position.
Information on both roles is available from the Secretary, however if you are interested in knowing more about what the roles entail, please contact the current position holders directly.
A reminder – Nomination forms for ALL Executive and ACM roles must be with the Secretary by Saturday 2nd September 2023.
Elaine Baker, Hon Secretary.
Just a reminder that it is not too late to book onto this Rally or order tickets for Thursford if you will not be attending the Rally but would like to go to the show. Any tickets not sold must be returned to Thursford mid August. Only a deposit of £5.00 per ticket required at this stage, balance of £43.50 each payable in September.
Keith and Jenne Essam
We have now had sufficient responses from members wishing for the Fowlmere Rally to be reinstated. The Rally will run from Thursday 9th to Monday 13th November. If you have already indicated you wish to join the Rally or have now decided you would like to join us please can you post or email your Rally Slip to as soon as possible please.
Thank you
Keith and Jenne Essam
The anonymous online survey regarding members’ reluctance to volunteer as rally marshals, as mentioned in Going Places, is now available. The survey will be open for 4 weeks and your responses would be most welcome. (See section at the top of the Members’ Home Page).
Please note THIS RALLY IS NOW FULL and a waiting list has been started. If payment of a deposit has been made and you are unfortunately on the waiting list we will discuss options with you when we contact you.
Colin & Elaine Baker, Marshals.
The Summer 2023 Edition of our magazine Going Places is now online to view or download. Access is by clicking on the magazine image on the General Info page. Webmaster