Members News

Items for the Members News section

Rally 53: The Ranch, 8th-11th December.

There has been a change of venue for this rally. The rally will now be held at The Nurseries Caravan Park, Askham Bryan, on the same weekend (8-11 December). The final details will be known over the next week or two, but there will be a limit of 18 vans, and the nightly fee will be £17 including 16 amp hookup. The bookings received for the Ranch will be transferred to the new venue. Bookings will be accepted by email, with a rally voucher number.

The GPS coordinates for the new location are 53.93629, -1.1464 and the what3words address is fence.snake.image

Gill and Clive Bevan

Latest Rally News – A Reminder

Always remember to keep an eye on the Latest Rally News. It has been updated today for the Duxford Rally No: 49 and now contains items for the following Rally Numbers: 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 39, 43, 45, 48, 49, 54, 55

Any rallies with news items available are all highlighted in RED in the Members’ Rally Programme.


AGM Open Forum Responses

The Chairman has published a summary of the Open Forum questions and Committee responses given at the time, along with others following later discussion with the Committee. See in the Minutes Menu on the General Information page.

Retirement of Club Trustee

After many years as a serving Trustee for the club, Dave Spall has taken the difficult decision to step away from the position of Trustee.

Jan and Dave have been members of the club for over 37 years and after recently deciding to sell their Motorhome now become Honorary Life Members of the club. In correspondence to me, Dave and Jan send their best wishes to the club and would like to encourage members to take up positions on the committee or as officers to help take the club forward.

Jan has offered to continue in her role as Editor for Going Places until the Spring edition of 2023 has been published, she will then retire from that position.

Elaine Baker,

Club Secretary.

Rally No.32 Hampton Court 7th – 10th July CANCELLED

Unfortunately, due to the lack of uptake on this rally, we have reluctantly taken the decision to cancel the Hampton Court Rally No.32

This is obviously very disappointing, but the current numbers signed up has meant that we would be charged the full commercial rate of £20 per night.

All Rally Booking Vouchers will be returned to you (on my return from our holiday). The cheques have not been banked and will be securely disposed off and any cash will be refunded to you via the SOC bank.

Once again, my sincere apologies.

Best regards, Paul & Julia Hardy

Summer Edition of Going Places Now Online

The Summer 2022 Edition of our magazine Going Places is now online to view or download. Access is by clicking on the magazine image on the General Info page. Webmaster