Members News

Items for the Members News section


The club urgently requires a Minute Secretary to record and produce the minutes of the club’s committee meetings including the AGM.

If you are a good listener and note taker or you are interested in the role, please contact me, the Club Secretary as soon as possible.

My details are in the front of the rally book. I look forward to hearing from you.

Elaine Baker,

Dometic Fridge Health Check @ the AGM Rally

If you have a caravan or motorhome with a Dometic fridge fitted as standard and your outfit was purchased new after 1st May 2019, you will qualify for a free visual health check at the AGM Rally in May.

This can be done without you being present as it is performed via the external vents. If there is an issue with your fridge then it is preferable that a specific Friday slot will need to be allocated to you. The engineers will be onsite Friday and Saturday. Older fridges can be serviced but will incur a charge of £30.00.

The health check must be pre-booked, and the appropriate form completed. Please apply at and I will email the form to you for completion. All forms must be returned to me no later than the 4th of April 2022.

Val Brailsford

Latest Rally News

Just a quick reminder to keep your eyes on the Latest Rally News on this page.  It is updated regularly as marshals pass information to me regarding their rally. It has been updated today and now contains information posted for 16 future rallies.

Any rallies in the Members’ Rally Programme shown in RED will have news items in there. To save you searching, there is also a link you can click on in the Latest Rally News section of this page to see the list of rally numbers with at least 1 news item posted.

Latest news items appear first but you can also change the sort order to group any multiple entries for a rallies. The latest entry for each group will again appear first so you can follow the thread of notices.

Hopefully you will find this useful to keep up to date.


Spring Edition of Going Places Now Online

The Spring 2022 Edition of our magazine Going Places is now online to view or download. Access is by clicking on the magazine image on the General Info page. Webmaster

The Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show

If you are intending to visit the Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show at the NEC (22nd-27th February), please note that tickets seem to be selling fast and Saturday 26th is now SOLD OUT.

You can still obtain online tickets for the other days at the moment via

I assumed it was pre-booking only as a way of limiting numbers but that’s not been well publicised. After much searching I eventually found a statement near to the link to buy tickets on the website:
Please note: Tickets will NOT be available to buy in person on the ‘gate’ – online sales only (subject to availability)

I thought this was worth mentioning to members, but I’m not sure now whether the sell-out for the Saturday is just a glitch in the booking system as there’s lots of conflicting information on the associated websites. I found statements that tickets purchased for a particular day can be used on any day that week and that you can pay at the door!

If you don’t already have tickets you need to do more research. I don’t recommend buying tickets for one of the available days and then turning up on Saturday or just arriving with cash.


Rüdesheim Rally Interested List for 2023

There may be some of you who think you are on the interested list for the 2023 rally but are not.

Please be aware that if you have not received an email from me in the last few days then you are not on the list.

Details of the rally can be found in your Rally Book and on the website (Rally Info/Overseas Rallies)

Please email me asap if you wish to be added to the list. You will then receive details of the booking procedure which will commence at a given date and time in March.

Val Brailsford

Members’ Online Rally Programme Update

The Members’ Online Rally Programme has been updated with more rally site GPS Coordinates. It now contains coordinates for the majority of this year’s rallies. It is a very time-consuming task producing the coordinates and it has only been possible to do them, in what is always a busy month for website changes, with a lot of help from Roy Hancock – thank you Roy.

There are just a few more to add and then I will produce the usual downloadable files for SatNavs and Google Earth.

I hope you find the coordinates useful if only to get a rough idea of distances. However, if you do use them for guidance, please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to produce accurate data, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Always check the Rally Book directions especially when near to the location. Some Rally instructions specifically advise NOT to use SatNav directions when approaching sites.


Online Booking for the 2022 AGM Rally

The online booking for the 2022 AGM Rally is now live on the website. Access is via a link in the ‘AGM Rally 2022 Online Bookings’ section on this home page.

The link will take members to a page explaining the 3 payment options available followed by a form to complete. The payment options are:

1. PayPal or Debit/Credit Card via PayPal.
2. BACS Transfer.
3. Direct Debit (if you already have a mandate set up for your membership subscriptions).

Option 1 is very similar to what we use currently use for new members/renewals and allows for payment by PayPal or Card immediately.
Option 2 requires further action to set up a bank transfer for the amount displayed which is explained on the webpage after the form is submitted.
Option 3 does not require any further action by the member.


Latest Rally News Items

As the Rally Book is only published once a year, there will inevitably be changes to a rally’s details or other announcements relating to it during the year. Some items are of low importance, but others are very important such as marshal contact details, dates, locations etc. Any news items I receive are usually published within 24 hours, especially if I receive the text of the item in an email rather than me having to find further information and then compose it.

The Latest Rally News section on this page has been slightly modified and now includes a link for a quick look up of rally numbers which have at least one news item published – there are currently 10 listed.

If the rally you are interested in is listed, I strongly recommend you then click on the Latest Rally News information icon, change the sort order by clicking on the button at the top and then scroll down to the required rally number. When there is more than one item for a rally they will be shown with the latest one first.

Happy Rallying, Webmaster