As the Rally Book is only published once a year, there will inevitably be changes to a rally’s details or other announcements relating to it during the year. Some items are of low importance, but others are very important such as marshal contact details, dates, locations etc. Any news items I receive are usually published within 24 hours, especially if I receive the text of the item in an email rather than me having to find further information and then compose it.
The Latest Rally News section on this page has been slightly modified and now includes a link for a quick look up of rally numbers which have at least one news item published – there are currently 10 listed.
If the rally you are interested in is listed, I strongly recommend you then click on the Latest Rally News information icon, change the sort order by clicking on the button at the top and then scroll down to the required rally number. When there is more than one item for a rally they will be shown with the latest one first.
Happy Rallying, Webmaster