Members News

Items for the Members News section

Chairman’s Update from Feb 24 Committee Meeting

The following is the Chairman’s summary of matters discussed at the February 2024 Committee Meeting held at the Heart of England School, Balsall Common. The summary includes an updates on new Bank Accounts, Appointment of new officers, Annual General Meeting Rallies and Responses to the recent Members Survey.

Bank Accounts The committee agreed that we should start to use the three new Lloyds Bank accounts for all transactions with immediate effect. The Treasurer will notify the ACM’S of the new account details. The Santander accounts will remain open for the time being to ensure we are no longer making payments into them.

Appointment of new officers.  Gareth Roberts has been appointed as our Marketing Officer taking over from Alan Druce.  Ray Williams has been appointed to take over the Rally Venues Book taking over from Alan Druce. Our thanks go to Alan and Carol for their dedicated work for many years in covering these roles.

Annual General Meeting Rallies.  2024 final arrangements are in hand with entries coming in from our members, entry forms are available on line or in the Rally Venues Book and in the Spring Edition of Going Places. Please ensure you use the corrected prices for the Rally as stated in Going Places.  2025 we are looking for a venue for the AGM Rally and also 2026 which will be a special year as we celebrate 55 years of the SOC.

Response to the members survey.

The committee would like to thank everyone who responded to this survey.  A total of 76 replies were recorded, for which we are extremely grateful.

The aim of the survey was to identify and address possible areas of concern that may encourage members to marshal future rallies.  It is obviously not possible to cover all issues raised immediately, but there were recurring themes that it would be prudent to address now.

Rally paperwork.   Many members raised the issue of rally paperwork not being as straightforward as it could be.  This has been raised before, and as a result there was an agenda item at the last committee meeting identifying the need for the rally guidance to be updated.  Any changes that are deemed beneficial will therefore be incorporated into theguidelines.
These guidelines will also clarify the issue of equipment needed for rallies (further information below).

The guidelines have not been updated recently, and we are aiming to provide increased clarity to assist marshals. 

Additionally, in previous years, time has been set aside at an AGM to provide support on completing paperwork.  There was a level of response that indicated this may be beneficial once again.  There are plans to design and incorporate an awareness session for the 2025 AGM, which will hopefully return to the May bank holiday and allow the extra time that this will require.

Gazebos.  The committee accepts that the size and weight of the gazebos is a concern for many.  Some find them too heavy to move around, others too heavy to transport to remain within legal towing and their limits.   Our previous gazebos were less weighty, but sadly not suitable for the   type of use for the Club hence the need to replace them also they had become damaged beyond economic repair.

In addition to the issue of weight, comments were also received regarding the need to use gazebos for rallies.

Linking these items together, and once again referring to the revision of rally guidelines, the decision as to using a gazebo or not is down to the rally marshal. 
We do accept that the problem occurs when a marshal wants to use a gazebo, and is precluded from carrying one because of weight etc.  This is not an easy problem to resolve, and while it is discussed further we would ask that if – as a marshal – you find yourself in this position please contact the relevant ACM (ie for the area in which the rally is being held) as soon as possible after the booking is confirmed to ask if a solution can found.

Equipment.  Linked to the above is the detail about the volume of equipment being carried by marshals for rallies.  Many comments were made about the room taken up by such equipment (urns, tea pots etc) and questioned the need for them. 

This is again the marshals choice.  While gazebos and urns provide a focus for social gatherings, marshals have the flexibility to explore alternative arrangements.  If teas / coffees etc are not provided on a rally the equipment required for the rally should be agreed with respective ACM.

Rally Venues    This was the fourth item discussed at the committee meeting, and had also been on the recent ACCEO meeting agenda.   We are fortunate to have an extensive database of previous rally venues – and are extremely grateful to Dave Coller for collating and providing such a valuable resource.  The database is historic, and some sites listed may no longer be hosting rallies.  In the meantime other sites for rallies have been developed for clubs such as ours.

Other ACCEO member clubs raised the same concerns about suitable venues, and suitable levels of facilities.  To this end, ACCEO members were asked to consider sharing a small number of venues with each other.  Once this has been completed details should arrive with our rally secretary.

These “new” sites may not be on our own database, so details of the possible venues will be circulated to all members in the hope that a member will step forward and offer to act as a marshal.  This will hopefully be a positive step, as all the sites listed will be known to be “rally friendly” and could expand our rally programme.

If you commented on a matter that is not mentioned above please do not feel that it has been ignored.  All comments made in response to the survey were circulated to all committee members, all comments have been read, and our initial response was to focus on the items above as they generated the biggest response from the membership. Our hopes are to encourage you to organise and Marshal a Rally for the Club and to ask for help and advice where needed from any of the respective officers of the Club

Once again, a big thank you to everyone who responded.



Have you booked the AGM rally yet?

Remember it is a rally with far more time of FUN than FORMALITY.

Obviously, the formal meeting needs to take place but it is a small part of a great weekend.

It’s a perfect opportunity to meet up with friends from far afield and also to have your say on the future of the club in the Open Forum session.

To book the rally you can complete the online form and choose your method of payment from:

  • Debit Card
  • Credit Card
  • PayPal
  • Direct Bank Transfer
  • Cheque

Pitches with or without EHU are available so please make sure you choose the correct option on the booking form.

To book via the website see the ‘AGM Rally 2024 – Online Booking’ section on the Members’ Home Page. There is also a link to a downloadable form in that section if you prefer.

In addition, the current issue of Going Places contains AGM Rally details and a form with the up to date prices.

The earlier you book the easier it is for the marshalling team to prepare so early bookings will be much appreciated.

NB: Please do not use the form in the Rally Book as prices have been updated since it was  printed.

See you there, Webmaster

Rally 37: ACCEO AGM & National Rally 2024 (Amended)

This post has been amended as the Bank Account Number was incorrect. Please note that it is also incorrect in the Rally Venues Book. Webmaster

The costs for the ACCEO AGM rally No 37 in the Rally book are now confirmed.
For just the weekend, Friday and Saturday, £56
For staying on Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday each is £18.

If you wish to stay Wednesday, Thursday,  Sunday and the weekend that would make a total of £110 for five nights.

You may choose the dates that suit you. Follow the booking information for the rally Page 64 in the rally book.

Payment can be by cheque made payable to Association of Camping & Caravanning Exempted Organisations and sent to me for onward transmission, (address in rally book)
or made directly to the Account named, as above.

Sort Code 20-52-69   A/C 23596761 ref. your Name & Swift.

The ACCEO Finance Officer asks for payment by 31st August.

Club Secretary – Absence from post

Members please be aware that as of Monday 4th March 2024 I will be unavailable and completely off comms from my role of Secretary for the club. I am being admitted to hospital on Monday morning to undergo major surgery and to begin follow up treatment.  I anticipate being ‘absent’ from my post for about 4 weeks. In the meantime, whilst I’m not available, if you have any club queries or issues, please direct them in the first instance to your ACM or to Ron or to Sarah to deal with.

Engraving plates and/or shields can be ordered through Ron.

Thank you for your understanding.

Elaine Baker, Club Secretary.

Rally Accounts Sheet Feb 2024

A new version of the Rally Accounts spreadsheet is now available in the ‘Information for Rally Marshals’ section of the ‘General Info’ webpage.

It has been updated with the new bank account number and a couple of other small amendments.


Going Places, Spring 2024 now online

The Spring 2024 edition of our magazine Going Places is now online to view or download. Access is by clicking on the magazine image on the General Info page. 


Mike Plant Funeral Arrangements

The Celebration of Mike’s Life  will take place on Tuesday 12th March 11:30am at Cannock Chase Crematorium, Norton Road, Heath Hayes, Cannock, WS12 3HJ

Afterwards please join us at The Chase, Hagley Road , Rugeley, WS15 2AW
No Flowers please, donations will go to Cancer Research.

Please email or text Kerry ( 07732 443205) if you will be attending.

Thank you, Chris Plant 


Calvados, Normandy, France Holiday Rally 28th June – 12th July 2025

This French holiday rally is full. A waiting list has been started.

Please contact us using the information in the 2024 rally book or see the Overseas Rally information page if you require more information about the rally or would like your names added to the waiting list.

Colin & Elaine Baker, Marshals