Members News

Items for the Members News section

2024 Rally Book – Delivery Delay

Due to unforeseen circumstances and ongoing serious health issues, Alan the Rally Book Editor has indicated that the 2024 Rally Book will arrive later than would normally be expected this month and with postal services as they can be over the festive period, this may mean that your Rally Book does not arrive with you until early in the New Year. If this seems likely an update will be issued.

To receive a Rally Book your 2024 membership must be renewed. A link to the online renewal process and further information can be found on this website on the Members’ Area home page.

Please be patient. Apologies for any inconvenience that this causes members.

Elaine Baker, Secretary

Marketing Officer & Rally Book Editor

The club was recently informed by Alan Druce that due to on-going health problems; he has taken the decision to step down from the positions of Club Marketing Officer and Rally Book Editor from December 31st 2023.

Both Alan and Carol have worked hard to promote the club and produce the Rally Book on a yearly basis over many years. Like me I am sure we all extend our thanks for all their hard work and wish them well for the future.

A new Marketing Officer and Rally Book Editor is now being sought to cover the roles. If you know of anyone that may be interested in one or other of the roles, or if you are interested yourself, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Elaine Baker, Hon. Secretary

Message from the Going Places Editor

I have a few apologies to make regarding the latest edition of Going

Places. First many people have said the fonts and pictures   used are

too small, the default size is 9 however  this will be rectified in the next edition though it will increase the number of pages I have been informed not a problem.

The race night was not David but Derek, sorry Derek.

The b was missing from bacon on page 38, and the pictures are on page 39 not 38.

When items are over two pages I will endeavour to put them side by side and not separated by adverts as in the case of the Calvados rally planned for 2025.

Have mispelled Billy Rowett as Billie on page 38, so much for intelligent generation which I did not spot and for calling Val Rowett, Val Rowlett. The dates for the rally Poitou-Charente in 2024 should read start Sunday 25th August not 28th, this error was carried over from previous edition.

I think that is all if you spot anymore please let me know as some of the pages will be used in the next edition and not generated fresh.

Regards, Editor Going Places

Autumn Edition of Going Places Now Online

The Autumn 2023 Edition of our magazine Going Places is now online to view or download. Access is by clicking on the magazine image on the General Info page. Webmaster

Calvados, France – Holiday Rally June/July 2025

Please click on the title to open the full post and activate the links.

The information for this rally is now on the Overseas Rallies area of the website or via this link.
Notices of interest are being accepted now. Information can also be found on pages 59 and 62 in the 2023 Autumn edition of Going Places.

We look forward to you joining us in Summer 2025!
Colin & Elaine Baker, Marshals

Alan Higgins

I was saddened to hear from Joan Higgins that sadly her husband Alan lost his battle with cancer and passed away on Sunday 12th November.

Joan & Alan from Prestatyn had only been in the club a couple of years and were regular ralliers. Alan will be sadly missed by the SOC family which they had become part of so quickly.

Our condolences go out to Joan and their family at this very sad time.

RIP Alan.

John Brailsford, President

New Rally Book Details Form Available

The Rally Book Editor has made changes to the form used when organising a rally to make it a bit more compatible with his publishing programme. See under the menu ‘Members Area / General Info / Information for Rally Marshals’ section.

The Editor requests that all marshals please only use this new version and destroy all other copies, especially if old adapted forms for repeat rallies are being used.